At Kinslow Veterinary Clinic, you can rest assured that your pet will receive the highest quality of care at an affordable price.

Our clinic provides a wide range of services, from preventative care to emergency treatment, all in a friendly and prompt fashion. We understand your pet’s importance and provide the best possible service. Let us tell you more about what makes Kinslow Veterinary Clinic stand out from other clinics in the area.
Our Team of Professionals
The staff at Kinslow Veterinary Clinic is highly qualified and experienced in veterinary medicine and services. Our team consists of knowledgeable and up-to-date veterinarians on modern veterinary techniques and experienced veterinary technicians who can help ensure your pet receives the best care available. Our staff is also dedicated to providing courteous customer service, ensuring that all questions or concerns are addressed promptly and professionally.
Advanced Technology & Services
We strive to provide our clients with access to advanced technology and services that may not be available at other local clinics. These include digital radiography, ultrasound imaging, endoscopy procedures, laser surgery, orthopedic surgery, acupuncture treatments, and more. We also offer vaccinations, preventative care plans (such as deworming), dental care services (including cleanings), nutrition counseling, parasite prevention/treatment options (such as flea/tick control), as well as complete medical assessments for senior pets or those with chronic illnesses or conditions.
Affordable Care
We understand that the cost of veterinary care can be a concern for many families with pets. That’s why we strive to keep our prices affordable while providing excellent care for your beloved pet. We accept most major credit cards and offer payment plans, so you don’t have to worry about paying for expensive treatments immediately if you can’t do so immediately. We also offer discounts on certain services when they are purchased together or when multiple pets are seen during one visit.
At Kinslow Veterinary Clinic, we strive to provide quality and affordable veterinary care for your pet in a friendly atmosphere with experienced professionals who genuinely care about their patients. We realize how important your pet is to you and want nothing more than for them to receive the best medical attention available at an affordable price so that everyone can benefit from quality knowledge-based solutions tailored specifically for your furry family member’s needs! Thank you for considering Kinslow Veterinary Clinic in Lebanon, Tennessee! Call 615-444-9424
I would like to talk with you today about preventive health care for your pets. Pets like people need to have regular annual checkups with their doctor especially since they age much faster then people do. These annual visits don’t just consist of vaccines but also of overall physical examinations to look for changes in your pet. These visits are also a good time to talk about any concerns you may have regarding your pets behavior or any other changes you have noticed, this is important because even small changes you notice could be a symptom of something bigger. Aside from the annual physical things such as wellness blood work and dental care. Wellness blood work can help us see if there are early changes in organ function that we may be able to help or slow down with medication or diet change. Yearly dental cleaning is also important because dental infections can lead to heart disease and other organ disease. As our pets age these things become more important, sometimes even more than just vaccines to help keep them healthy and happy as long as we can so they can bring joy to you and your family as long as possible. Thank you for allowing us to care for these precious members of your family.
Amy Hastings DVM

I want to take a minute and introduce you to a new service, the Pet Taxi, that as of today we are offering to residents in Wilson and surrounding counties…
All households have certain days and times when they just don’t have enough time in the day. Dad’s at work, the baby’s sick and the dog is too! Maybe we can help at KVC! Call us and we will send a member of our staff to pick up your pet and bring it to the clinic just like you would have. We’ll examine and treat your pet and return he/she home to you safely. If your pet needs extra medical attention and must stay overnight, we will notify you and once your pet is well, we will bring he/she back home. We have a large staff and will try to accommodate you as best as we can as time allows. Whether it’s an emergency or just convenient. Call us and we will help you!
Below are some additional details about the Pet Taxi:
If you are too busy or do not have transportation to bring your pet to our office, we will come and pick up you and your pet or just your pet. Once your pet has been examined and treated at our office, we will drive you back home. If your pet needs further medical attention and must stay overnight, we will still drive you back home. The Pet Taxi is ideal for elderly individuals who do not have transportation or for the busy working individual who is unable to make a trip. If we are only picking up your pet, you must be present when we arrive at your residence.
Call our office at 615-444-9424 for immediate pick up or to schedule a pick up appointment. Pet Taxi rate to and from anywhere in Wilson County is just $30.00. If you are outside of Wilson County call our office for a free estimate. Our Pet Taxi will provide crates for your animal’s safe transportation to and from our office and will be in the hands of a skilled animal technician.
Call us at 615-444-9424 and will answer any questions you may have.

Beef Cow Herd Protocols
“Simplicity is the key to compliance.” Keep it simple and practical.
I trust all you cow herd owners have a good set of corrals and chutes by now. Thanks to the Tennessee Agriculture Enhancement program; good facilities make working cattle so much easier and safer.
Vaccination, breeding and management protocols all run together. In our practice we have severed beef cow herds on the protocols that follow, we have tweaked on them for 25-30 years and they work pretty good.
Spring Calving Herd
Turn bulls in with cows on May 5 for 75 days. Calving starts on about February 15. By the last week of April most all cows have calved and the calves are big enough not to be trampled at roundup! Get them up and separate the cows from calves, it works well to turn the cows out of the calves, then run the calves through the chute.
All calves get the same shots from 1 day old to the oldest.
- 7 Way Clostridial/ Blackleg
- 5 Way Modified Live IBR
- Pasteurilla (can be brought in contribution with blackleg or IBR or given separately.)
- Cut bull calves with a blade. No bands = too many mistakes.
- Number tag calves helps with records. A. If he’s tagged, he’s vaccinated! B. If you see number ? out on the pasture and he is behind in weight and performance, find his mother and make a note to cull her.
If you have a few cows that have not calved yet on working day, cut them out into the front lot and work them and their new calves later. Cows that have already calved get
- Modified Live IBR + Lepto
- Deworm (I like injectable wormer.)
- Multimin, Vitamin Mineral shot helps conception.
- Make sure cows have number tags you can read.
Bulls too all above.
About 30 days before sale/weaning day, gather the herd.
- Booster- 5 Way IBR Modified Live
- Booster- Pasturella
- Booster-7 Way Blackleg
- Deworm if necessary
- Fly control as needed
Cows-good time to spray or pour if flies are bad.
Fall Round Up!! Payday!!
Option 1-Sell
Be sure and tell buyers about your double vaccination program.
Option 2– Wean
- Repeat 5 Way Modified Live IBR
- Repeat Pasteurella
- Repeat 7 Way Blackleg
- Deworm Fly control as needed
- Vitamin shot
- If calves did not get this 30 days prior to weaning, booster wean calves in 3-4 weeks post weaning with Modified Live IBR, 7 Way Blackleg, and Pasteurella.
“Don’t winter junk.”
Fix a catch and pass system out of the chute.
Pass means she’s good.
- Produced a good calf.
- Pregnant- call the vet.
- Good feet, teeth, udder, and good disposition.
“Life is too short to keep a mean cow.” Vaccinate only the good ones, sell the rest!
- Killed IBR Lepto Combo.
- Scours prevention shot: E Coli + Clostridium Prefrigens Type C
- Deworm
- Vitamin Shot
- Check ear tags
Fall Calving Herd
Turn bulls in around December 5. Calves born September 15. November 15-30 work herd just like Spring herd. 30 days prior to sale/weaning get herd up follow same protocol as spring herd. On wean/sale day do the same spring protocol.
These are the same protocols I presented recently to the 2013 Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association convention at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Until Later,

February is dental health month. The dental health of your pet is a very important part of their overall health. Aside from the obvious problems of bad breath, gingivitis and loss of teeth from infection, poor dental health can also cause more severe problems. Dental infection can lead to such problems as kidney disease and heart disease. When your pet has a lot of tarter and gingivitis the bacteria that lives in their mouth can enter the blood stream through the inflamed gum tissue and travel to the kidneys and valves of the heart, leading to congestive heart failure. Because our pets age faster than we do their oral health can deteriorate faster. There are a number of products on the market to help reduce the tarter on your pets teeth. These products do help but should not take the place of regular oral exams with your veterinarian. It is also important to have yearly routine dental cleanings to remove tarter buildup.
During February we will offer 10% off routine dental cleanings. Call and schedule your pets appointment today. Hope to see you and your pet soon so they can have a great smile just like you.
Dr Amy Hastings

This month’s topic is my quarter horse herd that we operate under the name Lost Creek Cattle Company. To begin with Lost Creek is the community I was raised in Carthage, Tennessee, where the family farm is located. I grew up with horses and mules on that farm.
All my life we had cow herds, cow and calf and stockers that had to be checked, herded and doctored. Of course, the best way was on a good horse! I’ve had some great cow horses over the years and I’ve had some that weren’t so great! I always wanted a good band of mares and a good stallion or two. Finally, about 10 years ago I got serious about acquiring that herd of horses, but I didn’t just want numbers, I wanted old fashioned cow working quality horses that were popular 50 years ago when work was work! Research and homework taught me which bloodlines to look for like, “Blue Valentine,” “Pete Oswald,” and “High Rolling Roany.” These foundation-type ranch horses were depended on to do all types of ranch work; they were “versatile.”
In later years breeders have specialized their quarter horses into the various disciplines i.e. cutting, reining, roping, racing, halter, pleasure, and even dressage; but there was and is a need to go back to a more all around horse that can do it all and do it good and with a gentle attitude!
To say the least, I set the bar rather high! I also made my mind up to start with all virgin fillies and young stallions, I didn’t want other people’s problems.

First stop, Haythorn Land and Cattle Co. Ogallala, Nebraska where the mare lines had over 100 years of records for being good ranch horse producers. Over about 3 years I got about 20+ good fillies from Mr. Haythorn. I also visited with and got some fillies from old time breeder Roy Cleveland who produced High Rolling Roany. Next stop, Reeves Triangle Staple Ranch, Eagle Butte, South Dakota- more fillies.
Now, it’s time for the stallions. Jim Leachman of Billings, Montana had similar ideas about preserving these old bloodlines, that’s where the High Rolling Roany and Pete Oswald colts came from. To complete these great young stallions, I was able to purchase a blue roan son of Leo Hancock Hayes, the last son of the great Blue Valentine from Nebraska.
Over the years, we have added more proven cow horses blood to the herd, through a son of PG Showgun from Haythorn’s also Playgun blood from Texas. In the last few years we used shipped semen to breed mares to 6666 sires, Paddy’s Irish Whiskey and Seven From Heaven.
It has taken nearly 10 years to get to enough numbers and quality to sustain annual sales. On October 27, 2012 we will host our 2nd sale. Please join us at Kelly Collom’s Horse Corner, 3436 Chicken Road here in Lebanon for a great Saturday filled with good horses, horse people, and a good barbeque lunch. The open house style sale features pre priced horses for your selection. Enjoy the day and possibly make a purchase.

You can view our quarter horses at Lost Creek Cattle Company.
Until later,

These past few months the weather has been crazy. From hot and dry to hot and wet and now a few cool nights. I have come to realize, after sitting outside this past weekend or at least trying to but not able due to the mosquito population trying to feast on me, that the hot rainy weather we have had lately has caused a large increase in the mosquitos. There are many diseases carried by these creatures but the one of most concern to our dog friends is heartworms.
The larva of the heartworm is ingested by the mosquito and then injected into our beloved pets by the mosquito when it feeds. The larva then migrate to the heart where they stay and grow into adults causing heart and lung disease. We can preform a simple blood test to determine if your pet has been infected. If the test is positive then treatment is available. If the test is negative, which we hope, there are many options for prevention both oral and topical. Treatment for the disease can be hard on your pet as well as costly for you so our best recommendation is prevention. Even though you may keep your pet on a preventive treatment every month it is still recommended to have a yearly test on your pet to make sure it is working properly. There have been a few cases of resistance around the Mississippi river areas and has been spreading slowly outward from there. Although prevention is not always 100% it is the best thing we can do to help keep your beloved pet healthy.
Dr. Amy Hastings
My subject this month is human complacence. I know, I’m supposed to write about animals, but if we humans don’t do our part animals can get in trouble too. Just recently one of our vets, Dr. Steven Shirley took a phone call about a one-year-old cat acting strange and “howling” in a strange manner. Immediately he suspected rabies and asked that the cat be brought into the clinic very carefully without any more human exposure. Upon examination inside a carrier the animal was humanly euthanized and the public health department was called. Guess what? It was positive for rabies. The Tennessee State Public Health Vet officer took over and spoke with the owners; they had to take rabies shots. The state also called me to see if any of our staff was exposed to the positive suspect. I told them that thanks to quick thinking on the part of Dr. Shirley, that only he and one very experienced animal tech, Kim Profitt were the only ones that dealt with the suspect and both of them were up on their human rabies shots that we “animal people” must take.
So far this situation seems to be under control, but in the last two years. We have had 2 rabid dogs in the clinic, this cat and a horse last year!!! “Good night,” people get your animals vaccinated against rabies! If a person gets exposed to rabies virus through a cut on a hand or a bite wound from a rabid animal that person must take prophylactic shots before its too late. Once symptoms set into a person it’s too late, you die in a very bad way. Yea, that’s right I do mean to scare you. Rabies is something to be scared of!! but the cool thing about it, proper animal vaccination of your pets will prevent it and save people’s lives and the pain and extremely huge cost of human rabies shots. So, if you don’t do anything else to your pet at the vets, please give your dogs and cats and everyday horses an annual rabies shot.
Until Later,
July 3, 2012
This past weekend I was sitting and trying to cool off after doing some work around my yard, and it started me thinking about how hard the heat and drought is on our animals. During these hot dry days of summer it is really important to make sure your pets have plenty of fresh water to drink and for those that are outside all the time, it is also a good idea to supply maybe a small wading pool for them to get in and cool off. I have a lab who loves to get in my decorative pond I was gonna put a fountain and fish in but for now I guess it is his personal pool. We also need to make sure they have plenty of shaded areas to lay and cool off or maybe let them inside when it is the hottest. It is also important to think about our livestock with the drought, many ponds may be dried up and you may need to suppy water for them as well. Also, many pastures have little to no grass and so it is important to supplement them with feed. During these hot times it is not uncommon for our pets to eat less. It is not a concern unless they stop eating altogether. Pets that are having a heat stroke may be weak, disoriented, panting, or having seizures. Do not put them in ice cold water it can cause shock, it is better to slowly cool the water and use ice packs on them till you can seek veterinary help.
Have a safe summer,
Dr. Hastings
Welcome to the Kinslow Veterinary Clinic blog and our inaugural post. I hope as you follow along and read our weekly adventures that you will acquire new knowledge that’s beneficial for your family pet and livestock. It will also be an opportunity for you sit it on the doctors’ and staff’s personal and professional lives. I hope you enjoy and check back often…
June 13, 2012 | Monday 7am
This morning is special; I began my day just like the last 100 mornings checking the expectant mares at the farm. Well the last mare presented me with a beautiful red roan colt, up nursing, looking great. He makes 40 head on the ground! The breeding season is already well underway as most of the mares are already turned out with stallions.
This has been a very unusual spring. It was 90 degrees in March and 30 degrees in May. Large animal vets are not weathermen but the weather and seasons have a profound effect on our daily cases. I just spoke with Dr. Wright, one of my equine colleagues. He said his mares were behind on their cycles and rebreeding and he thinks the changing temperature may be the problem.
This spring also brought us an array of other seasonal problems. As the wild buttercups began to bloom, we saw a few cases of toxicity in horses, some were mild, yet, some were very serious. Seems the problem is the bush hog or mower. Horses don’t like the live plants but they get hooked on the wilted plants. Therefore, don’t clip them, let them die naturally.
Spring also brought us an outbreak of EHV-1 neurological herpes at the weekend trail ride in Bucksnort. Many horses got sick and a few did die. We all need to be more careful. Always carry your own personal water and feed buckets to public gatherings. Even though no vaccine is labeled for the prevention of this form of Rhinopneumonitis; the people I trust for the advice suggest the use of the killed vaccine that is used for the prevention of abortion in mares; as it may help prevent this form of the disease. It should be given every 2 months.
Looks like dry weather and drought will be our next seasonal headache! Check your pastures and water sources often and provide shade and salt to your cattle and horses every day. Many plants in our pastures are toxic if the animals eat them, but they probably won’t eat them unless they are forced to by drought.
I shall conclude today’s comments as I had started; large animal vets are not weathermen but the weather and seasons sure have a lot to do with our daily chores.
Until later,